Peer Support
Under the auspices of ICISF I deliver peer support training courses to companies, individuals and
groups who wish to have trained peer supporters on the staff. Companies that have a peer supporter
programme show a care for staff far exceeding the duty of care required by law. Each member of
staff who wishes to participate and who is selected following interview is trained to the highest
international standards laid down by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation,
University of Maryland, USA and certificates distributed to each participant on the final day
of the training are from ICISF.
- Contact me.
- Arrange consultation and interview dates.
- Arrange suitable dates for 2-Day Training.
- I deliver training and certificates.
That's It!
Peer Supporters are equipped to support staff members/colleagues in such situations as: bereavement, anxiety, alcohol dependency, substance abuse problems, stress related problems and such personal problems as the person may wish to talk over. Where colleagues just wish to "talk over" a problem in a confidential setting with an understanding colleague this may well be all that is needed. However, where the Peer Supporter feels that the colleague needs more professional help such as counselling, or medical intervention, he or she advises the colleague to seek such help and the Peer Supporter has a list of Resources/Professionals who are available, e.g. a list of counsellors' names and telephone contact numbers.
Such a "Peer Supporter" service is VOLUNTARY and CONFIDENTIAL.
It shows care and support for Staff.
It has been shown to INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY.
It has been shown to REDUCE ABSENTEEISM.
It has been shown to help in RETAINING VALUABLE STAFF MEMBERS.